Our Business in Myanmar
A Unique Opportunity in "Asia's Last Frontier"
​Together with our joint-venture partners from Japan, we have set up a steel coating and painting business in the Thilawa SEZ near Yangon, Myanmar. We believe that there are significant long term growth opportunities in Myanmar and we want to play a part in contributing to that growth. With our experience in premium coated steel for roofing and walling, we are confident that our business is delivering a step change for the domestic market in terms of quality and customer service, and we are also significantly contributing to local employment and the transfer of skills.
After the groundbreaking of the plant in March 2018, production on our paint line started in February 2020, see more details. Our state-of-the-art plant in Yangon mainly caters for the Myanmar building and construction market, and we have also been successfully exporting our products to Australia, Thailand, and Singapore.​
For more details on our Myanmar business, please see www.jfemeranti.com.
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